Episode 52

COVID Nearly Killed Me | Jolina Karen

Jolina shares about her chapter in Scars to Stars Vol 1. We talk about how she almost died from COVID and the revelations she had when she got through it.

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About the Guest: 

JOLINA KAREN is a transformational healer, breathing life into life! Breath and relationship are key to living life fully! Jolina guides sophisticated spiritual seekers through portals of recovery, using whatever they’re struggling with as the life messengers they are. Relationship challenges, health issues, emotional sufferings… no matter. All hold the key to your liberty! They’re love made manifest… waiting to set you free!

About Deana:

Deana Brown Mitchell is a driven, optimistic, and compassionate leader in all areas of her life.

As a bestselling author, speaker and award-winning entrepreneur, Deana vulnerably shares her experiences for the benefit of others. As a consultant/coach, she has a unique perspective on customizing a path forward for any situation. 

Currently President of Genius & Sanity, and known as “The Shower Genius”, she teaches her proprietary framework created from her own experiences of burnout and always putting herself last...  for entrepreneurs and leaders who want to continue or expand their business while taking better care of themselves and achieving the life of their dreams.

In 2022 Deana released the book, The Shower Genius, How Self-Care, Creativity & Sanity will Change Your Life Personally & Professionally.

Also, Deana is the Founder & Executive Director of The Realize Foundation. She is a suicide survivor herself, and vulnerably uses her own mental health journey to let others know there is hope. The Realize Foundation produces events and publishes books that let people know there are not alone.

“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds” Jeremiah 30:17







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Deana Brown Mitchell: Hello, everyone, it's Deana and I am back with Jolina Karen. And we are talking about her part of this scars to stars anthology project coming up. And that we will be launching it on February 22. And I'll give you some more details about that at the end of the book. So welcome to Lena. And I hope that you can share a little bit about your chapter. So the audience will get excited about what they can read.

Jolina Karen:

Thanks, Deana. And thanks so much for having me be part of this, the synchronicity of it was just perfect. As you know, I changed the topic of my chapter in the 11th hour, maybe the 10 till midnight hour, as the deadline for it was just a few days after I almost died from COVID, viral pneumonia. And so it makes me a little emotional to even say that out loud. But I'm so deeply, deeply grateful for that experience. And having the deadline of this chapter somehow, I don't quite know how I did it. But I actually managed to write some of the story of my experience in time for this book, and then link it to some of the teachings that were already written. That was, so the chapter was about having COVID, having it blow up into viral pneumonia, and fighting it, I seem to breeze for seven days at home, with not much more than some homeopathic remedies, some breathing guidance from a doctor friend of mine, and a cough, a cough that was relentless, it would not stop at all. But you know that the the lessons that I learned from this, and I am a spiritual teacher, I'm very, very much grounded in the belief that everything is happening for us, not to us. And if we can turn towards our struggles, and our fear, there is so much wisdom waiting for us when we know how to unfurl that, that fear that and the struggle that's sitting there, there's so many, there's so much wisdom that is ultimately there to guide us back into deep self awareness and authentic self love. So with my experience with COVID, some of the one of the main questions I was asking was what is the spiritual benefit of this crisis that we're all facing. And one of the huge lessons that one of the first lessons that came from it was that whatever this is, and where it's come from, underneath it all, it's coming from our collective unconscious desire, the collective unconscious desire of humanity, to move into right relationship with life, and really be free as sovereign beings out of a sort of enmeshed slave and slave mentality that we've been living with as a humanity. And the enslavement of us is fear. When I in a second big insight that really popped up was, and I didn't expect this was to see that fear this thing that cuts off our breath and captures our essence, and keeps us living from here up in a sort of transactional relationship in which you know, we have we have this underlying feeling of, if I just produce enough value, if I'm just good enough where I am, just improve myself in just the right way, then maybe I can be free, maybe I can breeze maybe I can be seen as worthy of love. You know, that's our typical human story. And part of what COVID is here to do one, it's here to stop us from breathing. And so the very best thing we can do is do exactly the opposite. Breathe, breathe in life and breathe in joy and singing and laughter and connection. And companionship. companionship is just so important. And the second thing is to change our relationship with fear, and learn how to turn towards it with curiosity, because what I saw was wrapped tight with him. That first of fear is actually our deep, deep, deep yearning desires that when we connect with and we have that moment of, oh, I want that breath, drops in breath drops in and underneath that is essence. So when we're breathing all the way through and my gosh, I have never breathed like I breathe like I'm breathing. Now. I've never been able to breathe all the way through to the root and beyond the way that I'm breathing now, but when we have those moments, I want that that inspired desire. Rest drops in and we connect with essence, and I truly believe that could but it's here to get us breathing in life, dropping under the breath and actually expanding essence, which is something that I don't know that humanity has ever really learned to master. So we have an unprecedented opportunity in front of us now. And I'm so grateful for this experience. And I just can't wait to share more of the How to collapse fear how to collapse story, how to expand essence. So your book, this anthology, oh my gosh, what a godsend, I am so grateful to be part of it, it forced me to actually write some of the story and put some of the insights into words so that they could be shared. And I'm so grateful to you and what you were doing.

Jolina Karen:

Deana Brown Mitchell: Thank you, Jolina. I'm so happy to hear what you shared, because I know what you normally talk about. And when you change, when you change the story, I didn't even know you were sick at first, and then I was worried about you. But I'm glad you shared or I'm glad to hear you're better. And what came out of that experience. Because this whole book is about overcoming all kinds of things like like this, and how do we get through it? And how do we overcome it? And what do we learn from it? And how can we be better people and better support for other people? And all that, you know, going forward? So thank you so much for sharing?

Jolina Karen:


Jolina Karen:

Deana Brown Mitchell: So could you also share a little about, I mean, you did talk a little bit about writing this. But you know what this project kind of means to you on a hole. And I don't know if you've gotten to connect with other authors, because I know you've been been sick, but I think you know a few of them. And what kind of your experience or overall perception is of this project and what it what it will do for other people.

Jolina Karen:

Yes, and I'm sorry, I haven't connected with a whole lot of the other authors, it's it took, it's been a three week process, getting to where I could be oxygen independent and breathing freely on my own. So I've missed some of the some of the connecting that's going on. But I think this book is so timely, I really, really do. There is so much struggle going on in the world right now. I think the isolation, the stresses, every everything that's happened over the last two years has really pushed a lot of people to the brink, there's been so much lost. So to have a guide, and to hear other people's stories that we can relate to, is I think, absolutely invaluable. I think one of the hardest things is to feel alone in your, in your suffering in your struggle. I certainly know with this latest experience of mine, I could not have made it through I would not have made it through if it hadn't been for the constant companionship of from people around me. But most importantly from this, this doctor friend of mine in London, who is like a soul mate. So that connection is so important, and hearing other people's stories, even if it's through a book. And I know with your authors, all of them are going to be available for conversation for connection at some point. So I think I think this book is incredibly timely, I think the stories that I've I've scanned so far of what I've seen are are beautiful, they're inspiring. And, you know, as I say it, I'm just so grateful to have been invited to be part of it.

Jolina Karen:

Deana Brown Mitchell: Well, thank you. I'm excited to have you as part of that. I think I was I was really I couldn't sleep the other night, I was reading through the final PDF working on edits. And I mean, I've personally heard the stories from each one of these people and know their story and know them, and I'm reading it and it still deeply affects me laying. It's, it's crazy. I know that I'm an empath on some level. So that is something that, you know, I I can be around somebody that's upset and not even know what's going on. And I own tears, and I don't understand it. So I already have those kinds of, you know, feelings hosted. But it's just, you know, we think when you first heard this story, I know it but you read it again. And it's like you're hearing it for the first time and it's it's crazy. But it's because people are so vulnerable and authentic and telling that they're, you know, they're telling things that are very personal and very that's something people share at a cocktail party, you know, they're talking to you heart to heart about what they've been through. And it is in order to help someone else in the same situation. Understand that they're not alone, which is what you said. There's our purpose, because when people feel alone, they don't feel appreciated. they don't feel they matter, they don't feel enough, they don't feel worthy. And that's where suicide comes from. And that's my whole mission in the world, as most of you listening probably know. But the realize foundation is all about suicide prevention. And my theory is that, you know, all the 1000s of organizations that have been doing suicide prevention for decades, are all doing great work, but it is not reducing the statistics. And in order to reduce this statistics, we have to do something different. And my theory is that conversation and community and personal story is what is going to change it. And so that is what this book is all about. All of the money of this book is going to be the foundation for us to tackle that very issue. So I hope you will, those of you listening will join us for our book launch, where we're gonna have a virtual event on February 22, at 9am, Mountain Standard Time, and it will probably be about an hour, an hour and a half. I'm not sure yet. But it won't be an all day thing. I know time. People always want to know how much time how much time. And so I am going to post the Eventbrite link under this video. And you will be able to register for free and join us for that event. And Jolina, do you have any last words for the audience?

Jolina Karen:

It just what you say community connection and story. And if I could add a nuance, unraveling our stories, you know, even the even the desire to take one's life at some level is a desire to kill off the story that we're stuck in. So I hope I hope that lands, how expands what you just said, and thank you so much for doing what you're doing.

Jolina Karen:

Deana Brown Mitchell: That was that was very impactful to me. Because, you know, it took me 50 years to realize that all the crap that I've gone through in my life is for this purpose. And this is the purpose I was put on earth for. And I think, you know, a lot of times throughout our life, we don't understand what is our purpose? Why are we here? What are we supposed to do with our lives? And some of us, you know, like me, it was all about business and work and achievement and promotions. That was my whole career. And now I'm realizing that all of that experience is invaluable to what I'm doing now. But that wasn't why I'm here. And now I finally figured out why I'm here and what God's plan is for me, and that is to help others realize that they have purpose. And they're not alone. Yeah, thank you for that. So, register for the book launch, because we're gonna have lots of fun and you're gonna hear lots of heartfelt, authentic stories at the same time. So we hope you join us. We hope to see you there. Thank you Jolina.

Jolina Karen:

Thank you.

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Scars to Stars™ Podcast

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Deana Brown Mitchell

Deana Brown Mitchell is a driven, optimistic, and compassionate leader in all areas of her life.

As a bestselling author, speaker and award-winning entrepreneur, Deana vulnerably shares her experiences for the benefit of others. As a consultant/coach, she has a unique perspective on customizing a path forward for any situation.

Currently President of Genius and Sanity, she teaches her proprietary framework created from her own experiences of burnout and always putting herself last... for entrepreneurs and leaders who want to continue or expand their business while taking better care of themselves and achieving the life of their dreams.

In 2022 Deana released the book, The Shower Genius, How Self-Care, Creativity and Sanity will Change Your Life Personally & Professionally.

Also, Deana is the Founder and Executive Director of The Realize Foundation. She is a suicide survivor herself, and vulnerably uses her own mental health journey to let others know there is hope. The Realize Foundation produces events and publishes books that let people know they are not alone.

“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds” Jeremiah 30:17