Episode 49

Becoming by Overcoming | Joie Chapparosa

Joie shares about her chapter in Scars to Stars Vol 1 regarding domestic abuse and divorce.

About the Guest: 

JOIE CHAPPAROSA is dedicated and committed to helping you develop a phenomenal mindset that is capable of transcending all barriers and discovering the power within you. Her mission is to help you access the next level of vibrancy, joy, and deeper level of worthiness as in this journey of becoming by overcoming the pain she experienced dealing with an unhealthy relationship. When life is clouded with pain, it can be so hard to see our strengths and access the power that lies within us. I’m here to guide and also celebrate you. I work with others to help you discover your own self-love journey, recover your self-worth, claim forgiveness, and find your tribe. Most importantly, you need to know how to stay on track after you decide what you truly want. Together we can create a blueprint that will allow you to find much needed clarity and have congruence for how you can live a healthier, joyful, and fulfilled life.

About Deana:

Deana Brown Mitchell is a driven, optimistic, and compassionate leader in all areas of her life.

As a bestselling author, speaker and award-winning entrepreneur, Deana vulnerably shares her experiences for the benefit of others. As a consultant/coach, she has a unique perspective on customizing a path forward for any situation. 

Currently President of Genius & Sanity, and known as “The Shower Genius”, she teaches her proprietary framework created from her own experiences of burnout and always putting herself last...  for entrepreneurs and leaders who want to continue or expand their business while taking better care of themselves and achieving the life of their dreams.

In 2022 Deana released the book, The Shower Genius, How Self-Care, Creativity & Sanity will Change Your Life Personally & Professionally.

Also, Deana is the Founder & Executive Director of The Realize Foundation. She is a suicide survivor herself, and vulnerably uses her own mental health journey to let others know there is hope. The Realize Foundation produces events and publishes books that let people know there are not alone.

“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds” Jeremiah 30:17







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Deana Brown Mitchell: Hello, everybody, it's Deana Mitchell again, and I'm back with another author for our scars to stars book launch, that will be on February 22, we will have a virtual event. And at the end of this video, I will show you how you can join us for free. And also learn about what what this is all about why we're doing it, what the proceeds are going to and what that means. So I'll let you know that at the end. Right now I'm going to introduce to you Joie, Chapparosa. And Chapparosa, I think they're on. And she's going to give you a little insight into what her chapter is about. So welcome, Joie.

Joie Chapparosa:

Thank you being up for having me here today. And I'm really excited about our book launch. And truly grateful and delighted that you gave me this opportunity to be part of this book launch. So my chapter is about discovering the power within you and recovering your self worth. So this is very personal to me. And I'm truly excited where I can share and allow people to see the light inside themselves. And like what I said, it's very personal, it's part of my personal journey were had allowed me to go back to my foundation, and truly examine how I can move forward, stronger. And I shared a lot of the things, how I overcame, and how do I become who I am now. So I'm excited.

Joie Chapparosa:

Deana Brown Mitchell: Well, thank you, and thank you for writing your very personal story. I know it was not an easy thing for you. And I think that the whole purpose of this book is not to write a chapter that, you know, somebody just wants to read for fun. It's really about our personal journeys and, and what were our low points in our life, and how did we overcome them, and what helped us get through that and out of that, and to our best self and our purpose in life. And I think that it's, it's like meeting someone in that low point and saying, Look, I was here to and this is how I got out. And Drew who's part of the book, he did a video about veterans that that kind of told that exact story. And you guys can find him and look at that video some other time. But it was it was not about you know, giving somebody prescriptions or therapy. It was like, No, I'm right here next to you. And I've been where you are. And I'm going to help you see the way through. Right. That's what this project is really about. And so I was I want to ask you to talk about your personal experience of being part of this project and writing your story.

Joie Chapparosa:

I think, Well, for me, part of it is as you know, as I was writing it reliving it was a very interesting and at the same time, it had empowered me again, because written living it and rewriting and going through those emotions, as I was writing it had allowed me to discover to that, how much I overcame, and all the people who had supported me as well. Kane came back and well, it's not like I forgot, but I mean, they they resonated so much. And everything that I've gone through had just allowed me to and inspire me more to share this story. And, you know, and also Dina, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the space that you created for all of us where the 20 authors that who are part of this book. And it's a great experience in my life, because it had taught me to become even more stronger by listening and hearing and reading some of like, part of their stories, because some of it is just something that I can't even think how could you overcome those, it's almost impossible to think how others even overcome, but together we can create a better place. And by empowering and inspiring those who we're going to be hearing this message, you're going to be reading those books. So I'm very excited and being part I mean, the proceeds for this book goes to the realized foundation is even more empowering for all of us to share this story, because we know that this is going to change a lot of lives and it's going to be it's a purpose of it. It's just filled my heart with joy.

Joie Chapparosa:

Deana Brown Mitchell: Thank you. I agree. I've been I've had this, this vision in my head for a couple years. And I didn't really know how it was going to come to fruition, but it's finally happened. And I'm super excited about the purpose of it. And the mission as well. And the realized foundation that joy mentioned is something I founded in March 2020. And it is all about suicide prevention. And my theory is that we have to do something different if we're going to reduce this statistics in our world. And I believe that conversation community and personal story are the way that we are going to do it. So that is, that is where the funds are going. And we hope to create one day, you know, community groups all over the world where people have a place to go and talk to someone who can relate. And not just pick up the phone and calls, call hotline or go to therapy, which I know those things are necessary. And I know they do help people. But I do think that the personal connection and the personal story is is much stronger in that category. And I know that from my own personal experience. So thank you joy, so much for, for sharing your journey and being so vulnerable about it. And I want to just let everyone know, I'm about to put a graphic up at the end of this video that will show you how you can get involved in our book launch event. It'll be virtual, it is free. And there will be an Eventbrite link below the video as soon as I get done processing all of them. And we hope to see you there.

Joie Chapparosa:

Right. Thank you so much, Deana, again for having me here. And I look forward to working with you more. And now please join us on our book launch.

Joie Chapparosa:

Deana Brown Mitchell: Absolutely. Thank you joy.

Joie Chapparosa:

Thank you

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Scars to Stars™ Podcast

About your host

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Deana Brown Mitchell

Deana Brown Mitchell is a driven, optimistic, and compassionate leader in all areas of her life.

As a bestselling author, speaker and award-winning entrepreneur, Deana vulnerably shares her experiences for the benefit of others. As a consultant/coach, she has a unique perspective on customizing a path forward for any situation.

Currently President of Genius and Sanity, she teaches her proprietary framework created from her own experiences of burnout and always putting herself last... for entrepreneurs and leaders who want to continue or expand their business while taking better care of themselves and achieving the life of their dreams.

In 2022 Deana released the book, The Shower Genius, How Self-Care, Creativity and Sanity will Change Your Life Personally & Professionally.

Also, Deana is the Founder and Executive Director of The Realize Foundation. She is a suicide survivor herself, and vulnerably uses her own mental health journey to let others know there is hope. The Realize Foundation produces events and publishes books that let people know they are not alone.

“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds” Jeremiah 30:17